If Batman and Thor were to have a “talk.”

May 7, 2012 § 5 Comments


Batman: It was a big weekend for you and your little friends.

Thor: My little friends? They are hardly that, sir.

Batman: Look…just because your movie came out first, doesn’t mean I couldn’t kick your butt back to Asgard. You and that surfer boy look you’ve got going. Ever heard of a hair cut?

Thor: Surfer boy? Sir, I have no quarrel with you. You are of the DC World and therefore, beneath me, but if you continue with this verbal harassment, I will not hesitate to toss you into the cupcake behind us.

Batman: I bet that’s what Joss Whedon told Kenneth Branagh to call you after – his little cupcake.


For the record, I look forward to both these films and think Joss Whedon, Kenneth Branagh, and Christopher Nolan should get together and make movie babies together. Or form a rock band. Other captions are welcome. 

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